CRank: 5Score: 24690

They say Dante but they show pictures of stupid Nero. :/ This article is fail if they can't tell the difference between the two. I'm surprised they didn't mistook Zeus for Dante.

5082d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yea its Reuben and Nolan. In the Japanese VA for Dante i think they use Japanese DMC anime voice actor Toshiyuki Morikawa.

I know Trish has her DMC 4 voice actor. Forgot her name though.

5084d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Cool! I love Ammy!

And Thor huh? Trish also harnesses the power of lighting. Would be interesting having them in a fight.

But i'm still awaiting Vergil as a playable character, Capcom! Where the hell is he! >_<

5084d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Phosadra: Yeah i have to agree with you. The Creepy Baby was well...creepy. But i like that it was unique and different then just simply advertising the PS3 ya know. Makes it seems terrifying. I like Kevin Butler as well.

5085d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This article is Golden. I completely agree in everything that he's said.

Its too bad it doesn't have higher degrees so more people can read this. I guess having a scantily clad female on the pic would've garnered more attention.

The gaming industry is so juvenile and greedy its ridiculous. And i used to love this hobby with all my heart...but sumtimes i just shake my head at the hypocrisy that goes on.

5086d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'll only accept a Donut Drake if they make a Cheeseburger Lara Croft.

5086d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Speaking as a Woman Gamer whose 28 yrs old as of now, i find his response to girl gamers quite stereotypical and a bit offensive.

Maybe the tween Twilight girls would like sumone as Nero, but i certainly do not. Dante seems more my type (though not to date really, he's too wild for me. I'd probably take sumone as Vergil but he's too damn serious and has issues). Tween girls don't really play DMC games...maybe older teenage girls who aren't foaming at the m...

5092d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hope Devil May Cry 5 is revealed at least.

5093d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Jeez Capcom, way to nickle and dime your fanbase. So you want people to again pay for a game that released a year ago and to add basically a stupid gimmick like the PS3 Move to make it special. It'll probably play worse with the Move controller and RE 5 isn't that great anyway. I'm really starting to hate how Capcom is this current gen.

5099d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why does a game have to feature nudity and generic schoolgirls in order to be an Adult game? This game is more like hormonal teen boy fantasy then mature. No wonder video game stories are always in B movie level quality and women are just sex objects. Sumtimes this hobby is so immature...*sigh*

5099d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This article is great. I'm a girl gamer (more like Woman Gamer since i'm 28) as well but i don't go on any of the PSN forums and i don't play multiplayer online games so i don't have this problem. But i do like the disses she posted on the article. I might use them one day. Thanx! LOL!

Though i do visit some online game forums. But i don't blurt out that i'm a female or anything, and the forums i've gone to are better enough not to know that. B...

5099d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

@x5exotic: He has no weapon variety like Dante, no new styles like Dante. His personality is generic (and being a brat and crying like a bitch isn't badass). His Devil Bringer is okay, but its just masking the fact that its a gimmick that would've worked on Dante as a new weapon, and that also its a stupid QTE attachment.

His DT is okay. But the game is called Devil May Cry, not Shadow May Cry which Nero's suppose DT is. Its just epic fail, don't try to justi...

5100d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I would put Devil May Cry 4 on this list as well. Nero was a stupid character who wasn't as cool or as fun to play with as Dante. The story was terrible. Half of the game is just backtracking with a character you want to play from the beginning (Dante). There's no Vergil. The boss fights were boring. And NPC characters were boring and stupid. No unlockables. And the most stupidest "puzzles" that involved a spikey dice. And a gimmick on Nero's arm that's pretty much a...

5100d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hmm...they should make a Versus game out of it. Giant Enemy Crab vs Skittles vs Cammie Dunaway. It'd be more popular then Marvel vs Capcom 3.

5100d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Forbidden_Darkness: LMAO! But don't forget God of Skittles, Skittles May Cry and Skittles Gaiden

5100d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have to agree with you on some points. But why DMC with just Dante? Dante is getting stale. I rather it be Vergil as the lead and Dante making a cameo appearance or sumthing.

Street Fighter vs Tekken? That's weird. I would think Virtua Fighter vs Tekken would make much more sense.

I just hope to God it isn't sum stupid DLC or downloadable game or a new Resident Evil (RE 5 was terrible and this series is getting stale. Its not even scary anymore).

5100d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

@thehitman: So i guess you like playing with a character that cries in every cutscene about his stupid, generic love interest. And play with a character that has no weapon or style variety like Dante and uses basically a QTE gimmick on his arm. Yea...that's badass *rolls eyes*

I wish the announcement was for DMC 5. But i really doubt it though. I think if DMC 5 were to be shown or announced it would be in September around the Tokyo Game Show.

5100d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Uh...DMC 4 Dante is already buff enough. Look at his forearms

Unless he's gonna be all RE 5 Chris Redfield and look like Bane from Batman

5102d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The funny thing about this video is that the footage is of the Xbox 360 version of Bayonetta using the PS3 Editor.

5105d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

True some of these woman and men dress really ridiculous and to scantily clad. But i always like Ivy's outfits in Soul Calibur...and i'm a girl. The design looks cool.

5108d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment